BC's Environmental Minister, George Heyman
You & Me BC
January 13th, 2022
In this series, we talk with elected representatives from across BC, getting to know them and the issues they care about most.
This time we chat with BC's Environmental Minister George Heyman: award-winning climate activist, MLA for Vancouver-Fairview, and salad enthusiast.
George Heyman Quick Facts
Hero: Stephen Lewis for his continued principled engagement and action
Favourite spot within your constituency: Little Mountain and Riley Park
Hobbies: Listening to music on vinyl, reading, movies
Favourite food: Salads with a very broad range of ingredients; Pad Thai
Pets: Cats with personality
Favourite book: The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver; Flight Behaviour by Louise Erdrich
An interesting fact about yourself: Lived off the (electricity and road) grid for two years
What you're most proud of in your career: Taking time to listen to, learn from and encourage younger people
Tell people more about yourself
George: I wrote poetry and did poetry-photography multimedia, lived and worked in northwest BC in logging and construction, and helped start a community co-op store. I'm also a former labour activist and negotiator.
I worked on a number of Central American social justice and human rights campaigns, and was a university guest lecturer, as well as a facilitator for courses on collaborative decision making.
After working on numerous political campaigns in Terrace and Vancouver, I eventually ran for the Vancouver-Fairview nomination in 2011, was elected in 2013.
What do you consider the most important issues locally, provincially, and nationally?
George: There are many important issues of course, several of them overlapping.
Vancouver-Fairview: Housing – affordability, availability, rental rates; environment
BC: Clean economy, climate action, and preparedness; housing
Canada: Climate change, health care
With all the time that MLAs must spend in Victoria, how do you ensure that you stay connected to your constituency?
George: I check in regularly with constituency assistants about the issues that are most raised with them and significant constituent problems, and I try to meet with as many constituents as possible who want to talk with me.
George out in the community
What is special about Vancouver-Fairview to you?
George: The range of neighbourhoods, the many small businesses and arts venues, and the murals west of Main Street.
What are your goals for 2022?
George: Making substantial progress in CleanBC climate plan implementation and biodiversity protection.
Anything you’d like to include that would be good for people to know?
George: I’m focused on making progress as quickly as possible in the areas where I have influence – I do a values and priorities check several times a week.
To learn more about Minister George Heyman, visit https://georgeheymanmla.ca
To get in touch with Spencer van Vloten, editor of You & Me BC, please send an email to editor@youandmebc.ca